Executive Communication Coach
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Online Course
Join my online course Speak with Impact to master impactful communication style
How I can support you
Watch this video and see how I can support you. Are you interested in working with me? Do you want to suggest cooperation? Let’s schedule a call!
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Based on your own personal resources, following Elena's tips, preparing a presentation will be just another task that you will happily complete. In the style that is closest to you. In a way that will be interesting for your audience. Without unnecessary nervousness, with the effect of a pleasant surprise for yourself.
Anna Jurek-Jellonek
If you want to work on a voice that is uniquely yours, this is the right place for you. No harsh criticism, no unnecessary put-downs, no force to be someone you are not. I've really gotten far in becoming the authentic storyteller I want to be.
Lavinia Knop-Walling
Elena Pawęta is a very good mentor to have, she can help you build confidence very quickly and effectively, she will give you a new way of life!
Arti Kanwar Shekhawat
I have learned so much about myself. I got a new perspective on how to look at presentations and how to deliver successfully.
Justina Nangolo
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My TEDx talk
What can we learn from global startups?
The talk is based on the 5-year research described in the book “Born Global Entrepreneurs”. During the conversations with international entrepreneurs from Brazil, Spain, Ireland, Finland and Poland, it turned out that they have a lot in common – approach to decision making, learning and relationships building.
As seen in: